ECLAS Conference 2022
Scales of change
12. – 14. 9. 2022
Ljubljana, Slovenia + online
Organized by the Department of Landscape Architecture, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana
Post-conference info
Dear participants of the ECLAS 2022 conference, Thank you for joining us virtually and on site. We hope you enjoyed the event, had a pleasant stay in Ljubljana and a smooth journey back home. We were pleased to have met many good friends and heard a lot of inspiring and innovative contributions. In order to have a record of the fourth landscape conference in Ljubljana, we decided to produce Conference proceedings.
You can download a copy of Conference Proceedings from this link.
We would like to notify you with some additional information regarding the conference:
- Final Conference Programme can be downloaded here
- Final Book of abstracts can be downloaded here
- Photos of the event can be seen and downloaded here
- Videos of the conference are available to view on Youtube: Keynote 1 and 2, Keynote 3, Round table
- Please note that individual certificates of participation at the conference and receipts will be sent via individual email addresses you provided upon registration
Keynote 1 and 2 recording
Keynote 3 recording
Round table recording
Conference description
The ECLAS 2022 conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia, will address the question of scales, which is not new to landscape architects. But is one that does not have a definite answer; it needs to be asked again and again. The issue addresses the very identity of the profession and the nature of the context in which landscape architects operate and teach.
The theme is inspired by the 50th anniversary of landscape architecture programs being offered at the University of Ljubljana, as well as the fact that 50 years have passed since the pioneering conference on landscape planning was organized in Ljubljana by Dušan Ogrin (you can read the English and German proceedings to the conference and get inspired here).
During the intervening half-century, landscape architecture has evolved into a mature discipline, and has developed tools and theories for different scales of operation which are able to address a wide spectrum of challenges.
Another driver for this debate is the possible regulation of the profession within the EU and the need for agreed minimum common standards for study programs. How inclusive should this streamlining process be? How much diversity is needed or wanted within the profession?
The conference in Ljubljana will act as a platform to reflect upon the internal processes that shape the profession and position it in the wider context, as well as upon issues of cohesion and fragmentation. The answers to the following questions will be sought in five thematic tracks and its concluding roundtable (The next 50 years) and the doctoral colloquium focus on research through design. The five tracks are:
- Evolution and reflection.
- Relation between design and planning.
- Teaching across scales.
- Context matters.
- Beyond the field.
Abstract submission has closed.
We are delighted and honoured to announce that keynote speakers at the conference will be prof. dr. Lučka Kajfež Bogataj, prof. dr. Carl Steinitz and prof. dr. Martin Prominski. Read more about them here
Join the conference in person or online!
The conference will be primarily held in person at the Biotechnical faculty, University of Ljubljana and various other venues in the city. However, due to positive experience with online participation from the 2021 conference, we will also offer an option for online attendance.
All keynote presentations and final round table will be streamed online. In addition, dedicated online parallel sessions will be organized. On-site parallel sessions will not be streamed and online attandance at them is not possible.
Workshops and seminars
In addition to conference sessions, several workshops and seminars will be available organized by the members ECLAS and related communities. We’re higlighting the workshop Research through design, focusing on the same topic as this year’s doctoral colloquium. Consult schedule and additional program description for more information. No application is required for these activites. They will be held on-site only.
Important dates:
5th November: Call for abstracts opens
Late November: Call for doctoral colloquium submissions opens CALL OPEN: more info on this page
30th of January: Deadline for abstract submissions, submission is closed now
Mid March: Abstract acceptance notification
30th May: Doctoral colloquium submission deadline
April: Registration open
End of August: Registration deadline
11th September: Doctoral colloquium “Research through design”
12th and 13th September: Conference
14th September: Excursions
A note on COVID
We are closely monitoring situation on COVID in Slovenia. Currently no important restrictions or measures that could compromise the conferece are forseen. You can visit this site for infection statistics in Slovenia and this one for any official information. For conditions on entering Slovenia check here. Website of National Institute of Public Healht is available here.