Besides main conference programme, additional activities will be organized during the event. You cna find short descriptions of this event below.

Research Through Design workshop

Visit this link for more. Application will be available at registration desk.

Landscape Architecture Europe book launch


Journal of Landscape Architecture seminar

How to publish in the Journal of Landscape Architecture?

Meet the editors, Anaïs Leger-Smith and Sonia Keravel

Established in 2006, JoLA is the peer-reviewed academic Journal of the European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools (ECLAS). Cultivated through editorial and review strategy and a unique approach to the graphic design of its content, the aims of JoLA are to provide a platform for outstanding landscape architectural scholarship and research innovation, linking theory to practice. While publishing articles following established research conventions and written modes of communication JoLA also encourages and publishes unconventional and emerging forms of research enquiry including those employing practice-based methodologies, those having their origins in visual and artistic practices and media, and those espousing new method and rigour for the developing field of landscape architectural criticism. The editors invite you to come and discover the journal. If you are interested in submitting an article, they can discuss it with you.

SPOOL magazine seminar

Drawing Time

During this brief seminar we will launch the latest issue of SPOOL, an open-access journal for design in architecture and the built environment, based on so-called threads. Each thematic issue adds new articles to one of those threads. In the thread ‘landscape metropolis,’ SPOOL addresses the interrelation between urban, infrastructural, rural, and natural formations as a dynamic, intertwined and layered urban-landscape structure.

This issue of Spool – ‘Drawing Time’ – departs from the observation that the metropolitan landscape is subject to time, in many ways. Landscape architects work with time. However, time aspects often remain implicit in design drawings. The critical question in this Spool issue is how strategies for visualising ideas address time aspects and thus inspire resilient, adaptive design. These questions refer to both design processes and design products: to drawing as a verb and drawing as a noun. The aim of drawing time is to create awareness, understanding, documentation and representation and, most of all, to move beyond documentation and to inform the process, the focus, and the intention of the spatial design.

Nework of European Landscape Architecture Archives workshop

It is a question of scales – (Defining an) Acquisition Policy of Landscape Architecture Archives

Environmental, social and political changes shape the profession of landscape planning and landscape architecture and every time shift shows different main emphasizes. A history of landscape design is necessarily a history of human culture. As a transmitter for the history of our profession, landscape architecture archives are an important source.

It depends on the collections itself, what kind of overlook is given and therefore a defined collection policy is very important. Questions like, what archives should focus on? Are they more oriented to landscape architecture or to landscape planning? Are complete fonds or groups acquired, or are simply the finest drawings of the fonds collected?

In the workshop those questions and experiences of acquisition strategies will be discussed. The result can be a resolution of standards that functions as a tool in daily business. The workshop is organized by the Network of European Landscape Architecture Archives (NELA). It is addressed to those who work in the field of history of landscape architecture and landscape planning or are in touch with the heritage or archival subjects.