Sunday, September 9, 2018
Monday, September 10, 2018
- Welcome speeches
- Wim De Temmerman – Dean School of Arts, University College Ghent
- Piet Chielens – Coordinator In Flanders Fields Museum (Ypes)
- Peter Vandenabeele – City Government Architect, Ghent
- Keynote speaker
- Natalie Jeremijenko – Associate Professor New York University, Visual Art Department
- Parallel sessions oral papers and pecha kucha papers
- Poster session
- Heads of schools group meeting
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
- Keynote speakers
- Matthew Powers – Associate Professor Clemson University (South Carolina), Department of Landscape Architecture
- Peter Swyngedauw – Bureau OMGEVING
- Bas Smets – Bureau Bas Smets
- Parallel sessions oral papers and pecha kucha papers
- Poster session
- Keynote speaker
- Elke Rogge – Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
- Conference close and announcement of next conference
- General assembly
- Concert at MIRY Concerthall – Folk group ‘Kadril‘
- Conference dinner and awards ceremony at ‘Thagaste’ Augustinian Monastery
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
- Excursions (to be booked separately)
- Excursion 1: “Ghent trailing along the green, climate axes and temporary public spaces”
- Excursion 2: “Landscapes of the urban fringe”
- Excursion 3: “The historic landscapes and gardens of the Flanders Fields”