Presentation and moderation instructions
Authors accepted for oral presentation are free to prepare any kind of powerpoint presentation. They should aim for a presentation of 13 minutes duration, leaving two minutes for quick clarification questions. Time for longer discussion will be available at the end of each session.
Online sessions will be held via Zoom and should follow the above instructions. Please note, that we do not accept pre-recorded videos and all presentations should be made live. Machine reading is not allowed. Online room links will be sent few days before the conference.
Authors accepted for poster presentations are required to follow the ECLAS 2022 poster template, available for download in InDesign and Powerpoint formats below. Please send your completed poster to with subjectline: POSTER. All received posters which follow the template will be printed by the conference organizer and exhibited during the entire conference. A dedicated poster presentation session will be organized. Additional schedule to follow.
All posters will be published in an online gallery. Additionally, all authors, and especially those who will only be participating online, are invited to record an up-to five minute presentation video; these will be published next to the corresponding poster in the online gallery. You may host or upload the video to any platform of choice (such as YouTube) and send a link to or send us the video and we will upload it for you.
Poster templates:
InDesign or
Powerpoint (to download choose File -> Save As -> Download a copy)