Abstract submission

Information concerning the submission of an abstract.

Submission of  papers

Information about submitting papers.

Submission of posters

Information about submitting posters.

Submission link



2        Instruction for authors

2.1      Full papers and pecha kucha papers

2.1.1      General guidelines

Papers should be prepared according to the following structure: title; author(s) name(s); affiliation(s); abstract; keywords; main text; acknowledgments; references.

Full papers should be no longer than 3000 words including references. Pecha kucha papers should be no longer than 1500 words including references. Papers must be written in English. If English is not your first language, please have it checked by a native English speaker or professional translator before submitting. Reviewers are not responsible for language correction.

Please use the template in attachment for your paper.

2.1.2      Template

Please use the template (with instructions) in attachment for your paper.

3        Key deadlines

Submission of the papers is done electronically via the conference website http://openconf.eclas.org. Deadline for the full papers and pecha kucha papers: May 28, 2018. Submissions received after the deadline will not be considered for review.
Please check our website for the deadlines. We want to refer to the deadline of author registration as mentioned above in the general conditions (§1): August 1, 2018.